About Us

6 A.M. Alarm clock going off, Waking up wishing I could stay in bed. Getting ready for work, trying to squeeze in breakfast, feeding our toddler etc...

For some reason rushing around getting ready for work and the smell of coffee would remind me of my childhood (the 80's) as my parents tried diligently to live the "American dream" owning a coffee shop, while having full time jobs, trying their best to raise my brother and I all while running a business. Having relatives watch us when they had to work, shuffling us from house to house and then to the coffee shop and so on.... It reminded me of how "coffee" was always a sense of home for me. I smelled it everywhere we went.  My parents always had coffee, always drank coffee. They were so proud of that shop, and eventually had to give up their dreams so my brother and I could live ours.

( Fast forward 40 years later )
My wife brewing coffee, ironing my clothes and rushing around to make sure I ate something before leaving for work all while us discussing "Life" gave me that sense of home that I remember so vividly as a kid. That wonderful aroma clearing the "darkness" and filling the air with a smell that we all love. 

My wife and I started God Brews because everyday has its own battles, and life can get so busy that we forget to take in the good that God has Brewed for us. Each morning we're given a new beginning. So it should start that way. His word simply explains that.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was GOD. 

John 1 KJV 

Which is why we decided to put our favorite scriptures and artwork in relation to the beautiful places these premium beans were meticulously sourced from. Also to help give a better understanding of the unique flavors and places our Creator has made throughout the world for us to enjoy. 

Thank you for visiting God Brews and we hope you find some inspiration here!

In Jesus Mighty Name!

🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 God Bless You! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽